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Available Configs

schema-recommendedenables recommended rules for schema (SDL) development
schema-allenables all rules for schema (SDL) development, except for those that require parserOptions.operations option
operations-recommendedenables recommended rules for consuming GraphQL (operations) development
operations-allenables all rules for consuming GraphQL (operations) development
schema-relayenables rules from Relay specification for schema (SDL) development

If you are in a project that develops the GraphQL schema, you’ll need schema rules.

If you are in a project that develops GraphQL operations (query/mutation/subscription), you’ll need operations rules.

If you are in a monorepo project, you probably need both sets of rules, see example of configuration.

Config Usage

For example, to enable the schema-recommended config, enable it in your .eslintrc file with the extends option:

{ "overrides": [ { "files": ["*.js"], "processor": "@graphql-eslint/graphql" }, { "files": ["*.graphql"], - "parser": "@graphql-eslint/eslint-plugin", - "plugins": ["@graphql-eslint"], + "extends": "plugin:@graphql-eslint/schema-recommended" } ] }

All configs under the hood set parser as @graphql-eslint/eslint-plugin and add @graphql-eslint to plugins array, so you don’t need to specify them.